Thursday, June 5, 2014

Ron Finley: Growing Gardens in yards the next American revolution

Ron Finley: Growing Gardens in yards the next American revolution

Ron Finley plants vegetable gardens in South Central LA — in abandoned lots, traffic medians, along the curbs. Why?
This is what real revolution looks like. This is the future. Ron Finley in South Central LA was tired of living in a food desert and he decided to do something about it. He took back control over his food supply and health, while also setting his community on a path towards resilience and independence.
Other Sustainable Links 
Organic Moringa Trees
Natural Organic hair and skin products, Herbs & extracts

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

27 Medicinal Plants Worth Your Garden Space

27 Medicinal Plants Worth Your Garden Space

27 Medicinal Plants Worth Your Garden Space
27 Medicinal Plants Worth Your Garden Space:
Aloe Vera
lady aloe
Marsh Mallow
Great Burdock
Pot Marigold
Gotu Kola
Globe Artichoke
Chinese Yam
chinese yam
Siberian Ginseng
Great Yellow Gentian
Sea Buckthorn
Tea Tree
tea tree
Lemon Balm
Evening Primrose
Turkey Rhubarb
sacred white sage
sacred white sage
Wu Wei Zi (Schizandra)
Milk Thistle
comfrey flowers
comfrey flowers
Slippery Elm
Stinging Nettle

Sunday, June 1, 2014

California/Peruvian pepper tree LEAVES!

California/Peruvian pepper tree LEAVES!
California Peruvian pepper tree leaves
California Peruvian pepper tree leaves
**Edible plant leaves, bark, and extract used by Ancient Indians as tea or tincture for cold relief, kills viruses, heals wounds, kills Candida yeast, kills cancer cells, regulates heartbeat, lowers blood pressure and many other benefits used in low amounts..Along with using it as antibacterial shampoo's soaps and bug Repellent Plant.
pepper tree soap
Watch video about this (Schinus Molle) Pepper tree@
Order(Schinus Molle) Pepper tree Extracts@[embed][/embed]
califorina pepper tree extract
Buy California pepper tree extract
Read More Here:[embed][/embed]**NOTE Cautions""The seed contains an allergenic substance that can irritate the mucus membrane"
**Not FDA Approved to treat disease**
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